Dying Grace

Dying Grace

A.  Review Of Grace

  1. All God is free to do for us based on the work of the cross

  2. Five Types of Grace:

    a. Convicting 

    b. Quickening 

    c. Living 

    d. Dying 

    e. Surpassing

  3. All grace is ministered to us by the Holy Spirit

B The Christian Attitude Toward Death Should Be:

  1. Anticipation and excitement (Philippians 1:20, 21, 2 Timothy 4:6-8)

  2. Our time of death is not part of God's sovereignty

    a. We can extend and shorten our time (Psalm 33:18,19 91:16, Proverbs 14:27, Ephesians 6:1-3)

  3. The believer does not need to fear death (Job 5:19-26, Psalm 23:4, 1 Corinthians 15:55)

C The Blessings of Dying Grace

“So it was that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels to Abraham’s bosom. The rich man also died and was buried.” (Luke 16:22)

  1. Dying Grace is a bridge between this world and heaven

  2. Believers can see both sides, Jesus meets us like He did Stephen (Acts 7:55,56)

  3. Angels accompany us into eternity (Luke 16:22)

  4. Departed relatives can accompany us into eternity (Genesis 25:8, 1 Kings 2:10)

  5. Our personal rapture (1 Thessalonians 4:14-17)

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